Every day is groundhog day! (Ken Humphrey's 'Deep Thoughts')
What day is it? Does it even matter, now? Today is well, like yesterday. And the day before that. Just like last month's Groundhog Day. ONE THING: It is a time to get involved!

Amigos. We are living in historic times. It is like Yogi Berra said: "It is déjà vu !.. all over again! For far too many, the resemblance to 1929-1939.or 1968? - is just starting to form ....Unemployment is at all time highs..and growing.
Re-Opening? Are the Happy Days here again', and for real?....OR are they some sick mirage - overshadowing new shadows' deepening ? ANSWER:....We do not know yet. Take Care!
HISTORIC TIMES?...A time of Great Uncertainty.
(1.)...We are in a deepening recession.....30+ Million people unemployed!
(2.)...Coronavirus....'2nd WAVE? (Memorial Day, 2 weeks ago?) Are we not seeing the result now?
(3.) Murder-In-Minneapolis.....The murder of George Floyd, a black man has set off a massive national Civil Protest-Explosion.- Hhhmmmm?..are we just seeing a long overdue black revolt!
Trump and Rogue Cops -They have set the world on fire!
Morehead City - Protests - Black Lives Matter. I CAN'T BREATHE!
To the right: Trump holding the Bible .upside down at St. John's Episcopal Church.
Below: Our chaps, 6th & Arendell St. June 5.

Florita and I have been there together..I have participated 5 days -IF you can do at least an hour..great. Many do at least 2 hours...some all day.

NEVER TOO LATE TO GET INTO THE GAME SIGNS: If you come,.. your sign.... Print...BIG LETTERS!
Below..Ol' Ken stands off..away from the folks, (my sign is a little more 'pointed').. and political.
Here I was yesterday'Alone-at-Home, 6th & Arendell...I have 2 signs like this one, one for oncoming traffic, other held up for west bound.
Below: Washington, DC June 3rd....a 'Sea of people..INTERESTING - White people FAR outnumber black protesters.
No Question: Protesting, in the heat - not for everyone...However..'notice'..6th & Arendell St is totally shaded..back to the fence! This is where we started..BACK HERE...Saturday PM and next week! Check with Katie and or Damar.
Rogue cops ' Derek Chauvin! ..Super-Racist - He and Trump have set the wold on fire....No! dear hearts, Killer-Kops ....They are real. They are 'out there'..even now, even today...The sad thing....for every one of these a*******s,,,there are hundreds of good, dedicated policemen, good citizens, .....Sadly, who get painted with the Racist brush.
But....You know what? With all that is happening...I am an Optimist! We will prevail!
America will be stabilized again - one day. Trump and his White Nationalist thug-base are going to bring more real pain, more destruction to our Democratic Foundations that has, over 243,.. warts and all,... bad times and all -YET, 'it' remained constant, intact: 'America the Beautiful..For 75 years - Our Allies could trust us, and we them.....that is until Trump-the-Troll came along. We will outlast him!

Below: Strong men, policemen and National Guardsmen...sickened by being 'forced' to attack their own people.....REVOLTED! Took a knee.

CALL:252-654-2792 Carteret Cty Democratic Headquarters...(long ring time.before record)
He 'says' he can't breathe? (Derek Chauvin,) Minn. police officer...had 6 earlier serious 'incidents' of racial violence.

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