Sunday, September 27, 2020

                      EXPOSED:     The Greatest Fools in US History:

    The 'Trumpsters', Trumpster Voter-Supporters - The November 2020 Village Idiots.  .... The entire world will soon be laughing at every Trump he tries to avoid going to jail for colluding with the Russians and for evading millions and millions in tax bills. Trump has always been a total disaster as a business man...He IS a con man. Trump is a modern example of 'The Manchurian Candidate' 

'DONALD TRUMP is a major Tax Evader and Con Man! The New York Times has now totally exposed this fraudulent, lying president....He paid no taxes at all in 10 of the last 15 years...paid only $750.00 in 2016.

"..........I, Donald J. Trump, I am your president. I have conned you, played you like a fool, played you like a violin, lied to you,......even laughed at you behind you back......insulted your Viet Nam husband, or brother military veteran, 'referring to you, to anyone who willingly went to Viet Nam as 'LOSERS'......but, still, you stayed with me - 'Suckers'...that is another word I used for you." The Democrats figured me out long ago....but I continued to con you....all the while.....laughing my ass off at you....'LOSERS'.....SIX BANKRUPCIES from 1993 to 1999...Trump 'stiffed' thousands of laborers and commercial contractors who 'trusted him' in putting their time and labor in building his six failed casinos. 

                                                                'I am your Stable Genius'                                                                                                                                                                                                    

It is all finally catching up to him: The 'Lies about his 'business expertise'..After June 1997, six bankruptcies - Not one US Bank would loan Trump even a dime........NY TIMES reports he has a 460 million 'loan' coming due' involves money he owes to Russian Oligarchs......AND HE CANNOT COME UP WITH THE MONEY!....Vladimir Putin 'Owns'...Donald Trump...his is a 'turned Russian Asset' because he is so in debt to the Putin personally- because Putin controls every Oligarch......Presiden Putin of Russian 'OWNS' Donald Trump!

   And you...VOTED FOR TRUMP!!! ???? Trump did not pay ONE DOLLAR in taxes..over 10 of the last 15 years,,,,He has 'paid' $ 750.00 in taxes, in two of the five years....TRUMP IS A CON MAN.
 Trump was having sex with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal....all the while his wife, Meliania was pregnant with son Baron....Trump had Michael Cohen pay each of them $ 135,000 and $150,000 dollars respectively.....His 'love affair' with Karen McDougal went on for seven months. She was a former Playboy Bunny, She said under oath: "Donald Trump told me several times he was 'in love' with me.'
Trump had his friend, Chief Editor Peter Pecker, of the 'Inquirer' 'buy the two women's stories...then 'owning' them....and then...never published a word of their stories......
                                                                                                                                                                             The CORONAVIRUS....Trump 'pooh-poohs', play done the 'ongoing threat'...just as we enter at of the is virus as we approach the Fall Winter flu season.....204,000 DEATHS!   Trump - in this writer's opinion, is personally responsible for at least 100,000 of these deaths but 'DENYING the level of threat...that 'he knew'...existed! 
TRUMP 'NATION'.......The hypocrisy and ignorance...displayed.........The New GOP White Nationalists, or Trump White Supremacists, racists, 85% of them....'inspired' by their thoroughly racist Republican thug president....and Russian traitor.


                         "Thank you Jesus for Donald Trump."                    

KARMA.....She is about to make her the Oval Office.
I believe Trump is 'black-mailed Pawn' of Russian President, Vladimir Putinn....I think all of these 'covered up' TRUTHS..will now rise to the surface.

                                                  "Seems like there is 'blood in the water now'?                                                   
                                     "Repent Donnie...the End is Near!"  



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