Friday, August 7, 2020

                                         Sundown of the NRA - It is past time

Why was it left to New York’s attorney general to file a civil suit?.....                                                                  . 
                         The silence of the U.S. Department of Justice is deafening.

NRA headquarters building is located at 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 Contact the NRA by Phone: (800) 672-3888 
    THE CHARGES:....The NRA was serving as a personal piggy bank for four individual defendants," James, a Democrat, said at a news conference. Plus..It was a conduit for dirty money, illegal campaign donations.

     Her lawsuit alleging self-dealing and   misconduct could, if successful, dissolve the entire organization. While the suit is civil in nature, it reads like an old-fashioned corruption indictment.  

      The suit alleges that the not-for profit organization violated New York state laws governing charities by diverting tens of millions of dollars away from the organization’s mission for the personal benefit of its leaders, with Wayne LaPierre, the NRA’s Executive Vice President for the past 29 years, and three other officers named as defendants along with the organization itself. According to the complaint, 

        LaPierre used NRA funds for eight private plane flights to the Bahamas, where they enjoyed life on the 107-foot yacht of an NRA vendor, as well as for safaris in Africa and elsewhere.                                                                                                                                                               The complaint also claims that LaPierre allotted millions of dollars for private security for himself without sufficient oversight (and cited “security” concerns to explain why he didn’t disclose those trips to the NRA’s board), that he  spent $1.2 million of the group’s funds on gifts from Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman for favored friends and vendors, and that he negotiated a post-employment contract for himself valued at $17 million without board approval.    
                                                                                                                 New York Attorney General Latitia James.
         Like other cases of corruption, this easily could have been framed as a criminal case. Filing false registration and disclosure documents as part of a scheme to defraud can serve as the basis for federal mail or wire fraud, and often does in public corruption cases.

       She is NO lightweight! She has successfully 'hammered' Trump and family last year:
 The effect of the state attorney general’s civil case might be even more devastating than a criminal case because one of the remedies of her action is dissolution of the NRA itself.  She used the same tactics to dissolve the Trump Foundation in November. There, she reached a settlement with President Donald Trump and family members to pay $2 million to resolve allegations of misuse of charitable funds to influence the 2016 presidential primary election and to further his own personal interests.

       Among the improper use of funds was doling out $500,000 to potential voters at a 2016 campaign rally in Iowa. As part of that settlement, James required Trump to personally admit to misusing the Foundation’s funds. Sometimes, parties to settlements are permitted to publicly state that a resolution is not an admission of wrongdoing. James would not let them off so easily. Her success in the Trump Foundation case puts teeth into her legal quest to dissolve the NRA as well. 
                                               The Russian Connection:

    It started with Donald Trump,Jr.

     He got a request from the Russian Embassy in Washington, DC to 'make a friendly introduction of one Alexander Torshin (close friend of Vladimir Putin, and the former Russian Central Banker.)...The purpose: To learn 'how to establish an 'NRA-like' organization in Moscow.  Don Jr. discussed it with his dad.."Do it!"

Don Jr. arranged for Torshin and one of his 'aides' (later found to be 'retired' KGB agent), and, also, Torshin's 'communications agent', Mz. Maria Butina - to attend the annual NRA meeting.   Maria made a 'significant impression on NRA president, Wayne LaPierre..
                                                                 Maria was actually 'a Red Sparrow'.....a KGB trained espionage agent...trained to 'extract' key  information from her 'charmed contacts' and to gain their confidence. Maria succeeded beyond Vladimir Putin's wildest dreams. Eventually she and Alexander Torshin were sitting in on NRA annual Executive Meetings.

      Vladimir Putin and Alexander Torhin's goal was to let the NRA president, Wayne LaPierre know that Russia was 'very interested' in donating a 'large sum of money' to the NRA bank for the one purpose of 'running clandestine ads 'against Hillary Clinton', using actors, sometimes black actors on video 'complaining about how Hillary Clinton never ever really did anything for the cause of black people.. For over a year, the NRA ran these 'bots', fake ads, THOUSANDS of them! on all types of social media - principally, FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM  and TWITTER.
     Maria was always at the side of Alexander Torshin. When he was introduced to NRA executives, so was Maria, who was a masterful conservationist.

 It is believed that far more 'Russian-Anti-Hillary Money' went into satellite banks controlled by the NRA for the very same purpose funding and creating anti-Hillary smear campaigns using fake interview with supposed 'disenchanted minorities.
   Eventually, the FBI caught up with Torshin and he got within  the protection of the Russian embassy and then under diplomatic protocol protection, flew back to Moscow and safety...

NOT SO for Butina, she was arrested after giving a solo speech to a large Christian Coalition meeting set up by Rex Reed, its president. A 'bizarre' setting in would seem...Butina talking about 'freedom, God, and the 'right to bear arms' She spent 10 months in a northern Virginia prison...eventually, being 'mysteriously' freed and put on a plane to Russia in the middle of the night at Dulles Airport.

       Rick Santorum was totally 'smitten' by Maria so much that he had to be told that she could not arrange another interview.
     The 'gentlemen' to the right of Maria is the 'retired; KGB agent that first accompanied Alexander Torshin and Maria on their first trip to Washington, DC.

      Dear hearts, thus ends, Ol' Ken's 'sharing' of one more of the Trump Family's traitorous 'peccadillos' , duped once again, by far more clever Russians........Don, Jr. Wayne LaPierre, Rick Santorum..All NRA executives..'CHARMED' by Maria Butina.For more 'chilling' information on just 'how' he Red Sparrows are trained....go see 'Red Sparrow' the 2018 movie starring Jennifer Lawrence...OR watch the 'trailor' on You Tube, and or go to IMBD movie review online.

The NRA cannot pay their own defense lawyers now. Even some of their original defense lawyer are suing Wayne LaPierre and company for unpaid legal bills.....We are seeing the demise of the traitorous NRA.

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