Reflections of Benito Mussolini, Adolph Hitler & his Hero, Vladimir Putin
"Dammit! I am THE LAW and THE ONLY LAW!"


New book: 'The Seductive Lure of AUTHORITARIANISM"
Anne Applebaum makes the case: 'The warnings are clear. They could hardly be clearer': Donald Trump is A 'clear and present danger' to America's continue Democracy and our foundation of laws.
Like many of my 'friends' on my Facebook page and certainly, those among our Carteret County Democratic Party, I read a lot of political publications, history and, current political best-sellers: Like Anne Applebaum......I have rarely read a political analysis, backed up by history and current world authoritarian trends.- as I have - in her book. Current as of last month! Bob Woodwards "FEAR".. Woodward told Trump's former lead attorney (who resigned abruptly after an argument in an Oval Office meeting with Trump), attorney John Dowd - "John, I am going to give you 'the last words in my book'...What would you 'like to say' to Donald Trump: Dowd responded: "I would tell him....YOU ARE A FUCKING LIAR!" (p.357)
The New CZAR of the US Post Office: Louis DeJoy
His mission: "To slow the mails down, so that by election day, it will take as long as a month for a letter (a ballot)... to get to its destination! ... where at one took only 3 days.....Dear Hearts: That ;slowdown' is in effect now.
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