A 2020 Democratic Train-Wreck -Descending into a Dream World (politically)
December 7, 1942, 'a day that will live in infamy'....... It was so long ago.
Hmmmm? Which candidates are the Democrats coalescing around now, unifying around?
Alas - Ol' Ken....such a pragmatist - He actually
wants the Democrats to WIN everything in 2020...but there 'appears' to be some
Albatrosses around our necks. With all my concerns - at a time of our greatest opportunity, we (Democrats) have a muddled field of candidates - where is that charisma of a Barack Obama or Bill Clinton or Jack Kennedy? - I am still a 'guarded optimist'....albeit a nervous one. The question: Who can bell the cat?
Liz. I love her. I love her passion, her sincerity....But she is so done -tripped up by her own ideological-polltical, devine lunacy - "Let's get rid of all commercial insurance companies! - MEDICARE FOR ALL! - In 2020! (SsssNzzzzzzzzzz.)

And then there was Bernie - and AOC.. The Bern and Liz and AOC.... all have both been sniffing out of the same glue-bag, drinking the same 'socialist-flavored' Kool-Aid. These are all very bright, committed, patriotic and honest people. Liz and the Bern's stars are sinking. AOC's 'may be' rising - She is right about so much, but in politics - trying to be too correct and too visionary and too idealistic - can not only politically kill the idealist - it can dash, even kill a party's chances of success. Politics is about reality and history. Not about what is fair.
I love ideological intent - and the grand hopes for all of us...especially for the least among us.. It sound 'peachy-keen'! "We are now all Democratic Socialists...so says AOC and The Bern, Liz snapping at their heels with a different type of camouflage -even modified Socialism - I don't think so. Bernie completely misrepresents 'the Socialism' of the Sweden, Denmark and Norway. The presidents of those countries have take the Bern to task over his simplifications and misrepresentations of their government, their economic and social structures.
****** Today: the real argument is not between capitalism and socialism. We ran that social experiment for 100 years and capitalism won. It’s between a version of democratic capitalism, found in the U.S., Canada and Denmark, and forms of authoritarian capitalism, found in China and Russia. Our job is to make it the widest and fairest version of capitalism it can possibly be and that means (somehow) one day reigning in the banks and Wall St. In our life-times, we have seen the two great 'Socialist Experiments' go down in flames.
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Democratic Socialism: All we are doing is Giving the Trump-GOP Knuckle-Draggers of the White Nationalists Party, the sledgehammer to beat the hell out of us in 2020.
The national election winner strategy and ideology lies in these two words: Center Left. It is The Center stupid,
The Keystone group of this coming election: The Independents - 'They' will play the same deciding role as last time. In 2016 about 65%, or slightly more of these voters, voted for Trump. However, much earlier in 2019, Jan-March, their leaninngs had almost flip-flopped - enraged at Trump. Now. Guess what? With the onslaught of 'Democratic Socialism'..the needle has moved more to the center. The majority of Libs will vote first for a woman, former prosecutor (Klochobar) before they will vote for a woman former teacher (Liz)....(IMO).
Democratic Socialism - the Democratic fairy tale. The answer lies (IMO) in the group that includes Ol' Joe Biden, Amy Klochobar, and Pete Buttigeig. Only Biden has gotten powerful endorsements. Buttigieg will not muster even 15% of the black or Hispanic community vote. Without a majority here - no Democrat can win. Without the majority of the Independent vote - No Democrat can win.It is the CENTER, or slightlly Center-Left... especially this time. Only FDR was able to go 'Full-Monty-LEFT...but it was a different time - people were hungry and out of a job..desperate. FDR made them believers. Liz, nor Bernie have 'that FDR thing' -besides, it is not that same time or situation either.
Optimist here: Trump and soooo many in his New White Nationalist-Republican Party and racist knuckle-draggers will go down in flames. We have to have 'the Candidate' in place when that happens...and it will happen.
Now, ah'm jes' sayin'................................
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