July 24, 2020
IN THIS POST...Powerful statements: These two writers:.I 'lean' on the George Will and also the Atlantic magazine.... (My view):Donald Trump is desperate. He is developing the same tactics Fascist governments use, 'goon squads'..........Now, that the election approaching, he will stop at nothing. All quotes, opinions from the Atlantic are stated as such. Question: "Is Trump turning the US into a police state?

Below: "The Jews will not replace us!...Charlottesville, Va.
George will Quote: When Reagan died in 2004, the conservative columnist George Will wrote a moving tribute to his friend, saying of America’s 40th president, “He traveled far, had a grand time all the way, and his cheerfulness was contagious.” Reagan had a “talent for happiness,” according to Will. And he added this: “Reagan in his presidential role made vivid the values, particularly hopefulness and friendliness, that give cohesion and dynamism to this continental nation.” Leon Neale, Getty image below
Increasingly, as one looks into Trump's eyes....there is a sense of his 'feeling lost', .desperate. Consistently the polls (all 8 of the 8 major polls, including FOX NEWS poll - show him losing to Joe Biden..
(Peter Wenger, Atlantic, writer.) ......... "Donald Trump is a sad, sick, and pathetic individual. He is psychologically broken, embittered, and a deeply unhappy man..."
Re: Ronald Reagan, ...on Reagan;s death in 2004: "He has since been replaced by the crudest and cruelest man ever to be president. But not just that....One senses in Donald Trump no joy, no delight, no laughter. All the emotions that drive him are negative. ."There is something repugnant about Trump."........ yes, but there is also something quite sad about the man. He is a damaged soul."
When faced with almost certain defeat, ...Ken Humphrey fears Trump will turn to influencing, or disrupting, or even CANCELLING the electon..........'Due to Anarchists! Endangering Americans citizens lives!"...Last week the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency confirmed: Russia has been heaving working, 24/7 to compromise individual states election servers, registration files, etc.
Former Secretary of State, Brian Kemp of Ga.now 'elected governor'..essentially 'ran his own state election - As Sec'y of State, just before the election, he closed 275 voting sites in minority areas of many towns and cities. He 'ordered' purged, anywhere from 300,00 to 450,000 'questionable names' off of the voter registrations of the statee............."STACEY ABRAMS lost by far less than 2% of the vote.,,,1.70%..... due directly to Brian Kemo's FASCIST ACTIONS. She is actually the real elected governor.

It’s very terrifying Ken. We certainly can’t count on Republicans in Congress to protect our Democracy.