"Stop the Steal!...I won! I won!"
(A delusional sociopathic liar)
This writer, the author of this blog, Ken Humphrey, alias Don Quixote, has always regarded Donald Trump as not only 'a very bad president'..but an EVIL MAN. He is a liar, a man who regularly stiffed people who worked to build his casinos...casinos which - all - went bankrupt. Trump himself, filed bankruptcy SIX TIMES . He had sexual trysts with women while his wife, Melania was pregnant with son Baron. He 'paid off' both Stormy Daniels ($135,000) and Playboy Bunny, Karen McDougal, ($150,000). Trump has 'destroyed hundreds, if not thousands of Latino-Hispanic family's lives....separating over 600 from their mothers and fathers....losing the records of where each was imprisoned.

"I can grab any woman by her pussy...guess what? She will let me do it because...I am Donald Trump, a celebrity....."
Another thing: IF I was a Christian, I would easily believe that Donald Trump was the Antichrist described in Revelations.......
First, he will lie and flatter and conjure his way into the power he seeks.
(1.)..."He will be a leader of bold action and shall comprehend the nature of the most daunting problems and mysteries that stand before him. He will possess an acumen that is second to none. His intellect will be reminiscent of Adolph Hitler in the early years of his rise to power and initial conquest of Europe.
(2.)...He shall destroy many men of war and many saints of God....Good men will die..
(3.)....His war of conquest shall begin without warning. This includes the manipulations and devious designs that occur behind the scenes as he secretly moves the world to war. He shall ride to the rescue of the world from a war that he alone bears full responsibility.

Trump: "Losers."..... those soldiers who gave their lives fighting US wars:
"Donald Trump called Americans who die in wars “losers” and “suckers.” The White House has been quick to refute this report, but Trump’s own words from 2015 belie the denial.
In 2015, Trump said on camera that the late Sen. John McCain is “not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” The McCain was a prisoner of war for over five years during the Vietnamese War in rough conditions, beaten and tortured at prison camps.
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