The Polyester Republican Party - Craven, Cowardly Republican Senators
...and, they are cowards: As you read this, their president, Trump remains in hiding
"These Republican US Senators....By
Bernstein said he wasn’t violating any confidentiality pledges in listing the senators. He said he learned of the politicians’ supposed private feelings through conversations with some of their colleagues, staff members, lobbyists and White House aides.
“With few exceptions, their craven public silence has helped enable Trump’s most grievous conduct — including undermining and discrediting the U.S. electoral system,” he tweeted late Sunday.
Bernstein, a CNN political analyst, declined a request to talk about his posts.
Many Washington reporters have talked about lawmakers who have privately expressed reservations about Trump but rarely attached names to their stories. Bernstein said he believed several of the Republicans on his list were privately happy about Democrat Joe Biden’s victory.
Michael Zona, a spokesperson for Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, who was on Bernstein’s list, said the characterization was untrue.
“Sen. Grassley has been a strong supporter of the president and at the same time has made it no secret when he disagrees with the president,” Zona said. “There is no difference between what Sen. Grassley says publicly and privately. Washington journalists might be wise to reconsider trafficking in baseless second- and third-hand rumor. It may restore some lost credibility.”
Ohio Sen. Rob Portman “has never talked to Mr. Bernstein and we don’t know where he’s getting his false information,” said Emily Benavides, the senator’s spokesperson.
Portman, in a column written for the Cincinnati Enquirer on Monday, called on Trump to begin cooperating with President-elect Biden on a transition.
There was no article on CNN’s website about Bernstein’s list on Monday. The veteran reporter appeared on CNN’s “New Day” on Friday and named 15 of the 21 senators he tweeted about two days later.
Roy Gutterman, a Syracuse University professor who specializes in journalism law and ethics, said Bernstein’s approach was unusual and noted the journalist’s frequent criticism of Trump.
“I don’t know if what he did today would fit the model of what he staked his reputation on, which was hard-core investigative reporting,” Gutterman said.
It was unsurprising to find Utah Sen. Mitt Romney on Bernstein’s list. Romney said last week of Trump’s pressure to overturn the election results that it was “difficult to imagine a worse, more undemocratic action by a sitting American president.”
“The senator’s views about the president are well known by the public,” spokeswoman Liz Johnson said.
In a statement, a spokesperson for Indiana Sen. Todd Young said Bernstein’s “unsourced rumors” don’t deserve a response. “It’s clear Sen. Young has a great working relationship with President Trump that has yielded several historic wins for Indiana,” the spokesperson said.
Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.
This morning on CNN, Meet The Press....Fareed Zakaria 'gave support' for my views of the Republican Party - Today. His did not even 'narrowly describe them' as 'The Trump Republican Party'...racists.... as I do. He was all-inclusive...However....He did not go so far as to express any opinion - about 'individual Republicans' - as I do...
What is clear...'The World governments today - describes this 'New' Republican Party as essentially racists. as 'White Nationalists' ( a polite word for racists)... It is my opinion that one cannot be a 'Trump Republican and not be a racist - No such animal exists in the Trump GOP. However, this is a free country and one can have whatever political views they want to to express our opinions -OPENLY - unless, of course, one is a Trump pious coward...then, you keep yourselves in the shadows and silent...Cowards. Trump-Republicans deny science, deny facts, revel in conspiracy theories...and their denial still ..even with Biden getting a record-smashing margin - SEVEN MILLION MORE VOTES ...greatest ever for any us president over his competitor....these same people 'Trumpsters' but US Nationa Security at risk...they even help delay the stop of COVID-19...and the don't care...many even laugh...they like the chaos Trump is causing.
Never more clearly demonstrated than today.....right now. You will rarely find any Trump Republican who will bring attention to themselves - by stepping up, courageously - and 'defending' publicly, the the evil racist troll they voted for... NOT ONE! Why? (1.)..They are cowards. (2.) And, they know Trump is a racist - Since Ron Regan's days, t has not been 'politicly correct' to openly defend a blatant racist..Until,..Trump came along. Trump is the man 'who validated' and openly expressed his racist soul early in his administration -against Mexicans, all Latinos, against Muslims and black people alike..And his supporters loved him for it.
Essentially for Trump Republicans, they saw a president who was saying what they 'needed to hear'..."I am a racist...and a 'White Nationalist'.... just like you!".... just like so many Republicans have been, quietly ever since Ronald Regan left office.. (remember: He described his attack on Welfare..."We have these 'Welfare Queens' driving around in pink cadillacs' The hard-right Republican has always been 'a closet racist coward - in my opinion. About 100% of 'all' Trump-voter-supporter- Republicans I know, are racist...Racist to one degree or another...Many, are 'quietly- and... Piously' racist. They tell their 'n***** jokes privately and among themselves....No question... going to church each Sunday and supporting Trump..Has the word hypocrite has ever been more greatly defined. Praising Jesus Christ...defending the one man who starves and vilifies 'the least among us."...Matthew 25-45: For whatsover you do for the least among us, you do it in my name." I do not know even one Trump Pious Republican, who does not defile the words (being a Trump supporter) or the precepts of Jesus Christ as represented in this one Biblical quote.
This writer has held that opinion for forty years, seeing the evidence played out in their words, their writings - and their actions. Action speak louder than words. It is clear: Fareed Zakaria does not have a very high opinion, either of Trump, or his GOP Party.

Zakaria attended the Cathedral and John Connon School in Mumbai. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Yale University in 1986, where he was president of the Yale Political Union, editor in chief of the Yale Political Monthly, a member of the Scroll and Key society, and a member of the Party of the Right. He later gained a PhD in government from Harvard University in 1993, where he studied under Samuel P. Huntington and Stanley Hoffmann, as well as international relations theorist Robert Keohane.
Zakaria self-identifies as a "centrist" though he has been described variously as a political liberal, a conservative, a moderate, or a radical centrist. George Stephanopoulos said of him in 2003, "He's so well versed in politics, and he can't be pigeonholed. I can't be sure whenever I turn to him where he's going to be coming from or what he's going to say." Zakaria wrote in February 2008 that "Conservatism grew powerful in the 1970s and 1980s because it proposed solutions appropriate to the problems of the age", adding that "a new world requires new thinking". He supported Barack Obama during the 2008 Democratic primary campaign and also for president. In January 2009 Forbes referred to Zakaria as one of the 25 most influential liberals in the American media.[15] Zakaria has stated that he tries not to be devoted to any type of ideology, saying "I feel that's part of my job... which is not to pick sides but to explain what I think is happening on the ground. I can't say, 'This is my team and I'm going to root for them no matter what they do.'
As a student at Yale University in the mid 1980s, Zakaria opposed anti-apartheid divestment and argued that Yale should not divest from its holdings in South Africa.
Zakaria "may have more intellectual range and insights than any other public thinker in the West," wrote David Shribman in The Boston Globe. In 2003, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger told New York Magazine that Zakaria "has a first-class mind and likes to say things that run against conventional wisdom........."However, in 2011, the editors of The New Republic included him in a list of "over-rated thinkers" and commented, "There's something suspicious about a thinker always so perfectly in tune with the moment."
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