What We Have to Fear Now: The Trump-Extreme Right Wing Militia-Anarchists ....the 'Patriotic'.. Trump crazies'
What Trump hath wrought on America - A new level of hate and racism....Nothing demonstrates this fact, than these Trump-militia lunatics planning for months to 'kidnap' Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer. It is undeniable: Donald Trump is not only a racist, he is a Fascist autocrat who respects no US laws. He has 'loosed' a new wave of terrorists - American right wing nutcases. He confirmed 'who he is'..in the debate when he 'reflected' on THE PROUD BOYS: He mouthed their slogan....."Stand back and Stand by."
Trump, he is pathetic, drowning now, not only in the COVID VIRUS, but in his own sinking, drowning Republican racist campaign.
Gretchen Whitmer: 'Hate groups heard Trump's words as rallying cry'
Militia group plotted
to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, feds say Paul Egan and Tresa Baldas, Detroit Free Press 19
m ns ago
LANSING — The federal government has charged six people with conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, according to newly unsealed court records.
Is this not - our 'NEW REALITY?'

Yes, he is bat shit crazy but it is hard to tell if it is from medication, from the virus or just his usual crap-o-la.