What We Have to Fear Now: The Trump-Extreme Right Wing Militia-Anarchists ....the 'Patriotic'.. Trump crazies'
What Trump hath wrought on America - A new level of hate and racism....Nothing demonstrates this fact, than these Trump-militia lunatics planning for months to 'kidnap' Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer. It is undeniable: Donald Trump is not only a racist, he is a Fascist autocrat who respects no US laws. He has 'loosed' a new wave of terrorists - American right wing nutcases. He confirmed 'who he is'..in the debate when he 'reflected' on THE PROUD BOYS: He mouthed their slogan....."Stand back and Stand by."
Trump, he is pathetic, drowning now, not only in the COVID VIRUS, but in his own sinking, drowning Republican racist campaign.
Gretchen Whitmer: 'Hate groups heard Trump's words as rallying cry'
Militia group plotted
to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, feds say Paul Egan and Tresa Baldas, Detroit Free Press 19
m ns ago
LANSING — The federal government has charged six people with conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, according to newly unsealed court records.
Yes, he is bat shit crazy but it is hard to tell if it is from medication, from the virus or just his usual crap-o-la.