The Fourth Estate - It is under Siege by Trump It is left to us to Protect the Free Press
For Trump,. for Trumpsters, the TRUTH is their enemy....much like Hitler's Minister of Propaganda, Herr Joseph Gobbles stated. Tucker Carlson of Fox News was sued for lying way too often: At the court hearing, Carlson's lawyer...defended him with this closing statement...: "Tucker
Carlson has absolutely no obligation to investigate the truth of any statements
before he makes them on his show, and his audience does not expect him to
report facts, said a lawyer for Fox News to a New York federal judge. Fox News attorney Erin Murphy, argued before the court 'Tucker Carlson is merely an entertainer - He is not a reporter , one responsible for stating the truth.
Ms. Murphy argued that the majority of the Fox News audience doesn't 'actually' believe what he is saying is true...but 'they like him because he feeds to their prejudices."Did you get that? If you watch Carlson’s show and think it has anything to do with news, according to Murphy, you’re just not that bright.And in an earlier court filing, Murphy referred to “Tucker Carlson Tonight” as “hyperbolic opinion commentary,” not “sober factual reporting.” That’s not exactly a surprise — the only surprise is that Fox’s lawyers openly admitted that.

Former Secretary of State, Madeline Albrights book of four years ago was prescient: She virtually predicted 'The Trump World of today...Amazing insight...She compares the 'New GOP White Nationalist with the German populace of 1935. Both Florita and I have read her book It keeps a prominent spot on our book shelves.

QUESTION: Hmmmm? Are 'these' (nationally posted) Trump-Rally photos., representative of the Trump Base - or not? Angry white men and women, White Nationalists, many White Supremacist in 'personal philosophy.' In the Trump-Republican world today are not 'white' and 'c'hristian' like them - and like obviously need to be deported. All Trumpster know these 'inalienable truths': Most Hispanics, all Muslims, all women's rightest, most highly educated people are not to be trusted..because: "They are all 'anti-America.....and...'They ain't no patriots! "

Trump was sent down to earth by GOD! Every 'c'hristian', Trumpster-Republcan knows that!" Business
Insider. (A conservative, Republican business publication October 5, 2020
Trump told
Americans: 'Don't be afraid of COVID.' You do not have to worry. Go out, live
your life.” Hmmmm. Today, Trump is still....seriously ill...It is now estimated by CDC officials - "The president 'may' have infected over 100 people at that one event.
NEWS: Trump, still infectious, back at White House
-- without mask
Posted October 5, 2020 9:06 p.m. EDT
"Hey, I ever lie to you?"
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