Friday, October 9, 2020

                                                 The 25th Amendment -                                                               What Exactly doe it say?

                                   A National Security Crisis

Is Trump a psychopath? Not only a sick man, but a madman?

Should Trump be removed from power by invoking the 25th amendment?

Pentagon and other high military generals are greatly concerned that there is no 'clear leadership' right now..,They have openly stated their concerns that the has been not serious discussion of 'possible transfer of power' - Many Pentagon generals believe the president is 'both' physcially very sick and two, should be evaluated for mental illness. So far, Trump refuses to cooperate or even discuss, 'possible' necessity, for a quick transfer of power -thus leaving the US vulnerable on many fronts.

       25th Amendment. The 25th Amendment, proposed by Congress and ratified by the states in the aftermath of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, provides the procedures for replacing the president or vice president in the event of death, removal, resignation, or incapacitation.



[ in-kuh-pas-i-teyt ]

verb (used with object), in·ca·pac·i·tat·ed, in·ca·pac·i·tat·ing.

to deprive of ability, qualification, or strength; make incapable or unfit; disable.
Lawto deprive of the legal power to act in a specified way or ways.
  • Dr. Sean Conley, physician to President Trump - He does not tell the truth about the degree of seriousness of Trump's COVID infection. The regular staff doctors at Walter Reed were unanimous  that president Trump should NOT be able to leave the hospital...

    Trump 'instructed' (ordered) Dr. Sean Conley to not only 'release him', but to lie about his actual, truthful, physical condition.


    Trump is very the same time he is arrogant and irrational, putting the United States national security at risk.

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