Senate Republicans scramble to put Trump at arm's length
the hill BY REID WILSON - 10/13/20 06:00 AM EDT
".......YES, I think you can say we are extremely concerned now,..We often don't know where the president is on any issue. His flip-flopping on the two major political issues, sometimes on the same day, has us greatly concerned for the outcome of this election.
"Senate Republicans desperate to save their majority are beginning to distance themselves from President Trump just weeks before Election Day."
GOP US Senate candidates are saying privately that 'the president's comments about Viet Nam veterans being 'LOSERS' and 'STUPID', has really hurt them with some of thief former 'solid' constituents'.,,Also Trump asking former Chief of Staff, General John Kelly ( whose son was killed in View Name)....'What was in it for them?".....(Kelly had 'no comment')
They are also 'worried' about rumors of a report coming out of 'absolute proof' of the president's finances and his debt in regards to the Russian government. Supposedly, there will be shown proof of his massive debt payments coming due in late 2021 - and 'to whom' he owes this money to. The report will contain detail about one of Trump's defaulted loans with the German Deutshebank and how a 'mystery source' guaranteed his subsequent loans
Russian Oligarch, Felix Sater once rented almost the entire floor of Trump Tower..directly under Trump's own top floor penthouse suite. . When interviewed all Sater would say was:
Biden Campaign Gets Boost From Retired Military, Intelligence Officers Leaders for Biden.
WHY? Why is Trump so afraid of ever saying a critical word about President Vladimir Putin?
Many, an increasing number of former Trump supporters, including military veterans are now coming out in larger and larger numbers for Joe Biden.
The women's vote is now estimated to between 71% to as much as 75% for Joe Biden. Former women GOP voters, the more highly educated, from the suburbs, have deserted Trump in large numbers.
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