Tuesday, October 6, 2020

                                IS DONALD TRUMP MENTALLY ILL?

Donald, Jr. apparently thinks so:..Here is what happened the 2nd night Trump was in the hospital.. argument ensued between him, Ivanka and Jared, Eric was siding with his brother....A loud emotional argument ensued.....Don Jr. didn't want the 'hospital "macho-limo ride" to take place not at all. "He will look bad!" 

 "......We need a family intervention right now! Here! I am not going to be the only one who walks into that hospital room and tell my father he is acting crazy." Don Jr. talking to his sister Ivanka, Jared, and brother Eric....Trying to stop his father from tweeting and wanted to stop 'this insane idea of taking a ride around the hospital - he is sick!" Ivanka and Jared immediately the president and told him how brave and how great he was...and they thought the 'lap around the hospital would make him look tough and resilient.  There is a great family 'divide' between the brothers..and Ivanka and Jared.                                                                                         Trump at the balcony, 2nd floor WH ...gasping for air.

There are increasing signs that Trump is not emotionally stable..He is wildly impulse.....That'fact' was stated this night, Tuesday night by a doctor on Rachel Madow's show. He went on: " It is my opinion that the president should be mentally evaluated..."

White House insiders say the president appears, sounds increasingly irrational - 'always screaming, threatening staff with their jobs."

                         Is Trump crazy? Some say, he is

'Bat Shit Crazy' .... largely due to the blame he is getting for letting the Coronavirus completely over-shadow his campaign - plus he goes berserk when he sees the polls showing Biden with a steady, now increasing lead.

          IRRATIONAL...NOT IN CONTROL?....WILD, POLICY SWINGS: 3 days ago he was 'demanding' that congress PASS the Relief Bill...This AM, October 6..., out of the hospital, back in the White House he caught his entire staff off guard by announcing: "I want all my people to 'STOP' working on a relief package until...AFTER the ELECTION...AND 'I' HAVE WON!


Later this night, Tuesday, October 6, during Rachael's Show: Trump reversed himself again.....SAME DAY.....NOW...he wants to see a Relief Bill on his desk right away!!!!"





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