The American Oligarch - Leonard Leo One US Senator brought a conservative takeover of US Law, to light: America? Is it on the verge of becoming 'a conservative autocracy'? With the appointment of Judge Amy Barrett, .the life-long career goal of ONE MAN, may be on the verge of total success. With McConnell's 300+ Republican-conservative judgeship appointments, and with a 'stacked' US Supreme Court - US LAW, the US Constitution will be under total control of a solid conservative alliance of the SCOTUS and less than 375 others: Judges appointed under Mitch McConnell's reign...and also of This one American Oligarch: ....While America was sleeping....We may be on a path to an Autocracy, - akin to Russia and China and North Korea.
He is a member of Opus Dei, a supremely devout Catholic. He is a member of the secretive Knights of Malta. Until yesterday, when Senator Sheldon Whitehouse 'outed him' - few Americans knew he existed. Now the entire Democratic world knows, and he lets all his friends know: "I am ecstatic. "He is most singly responsible for the US Supreme Court now having six Catholic Justices on the court.
He is known for his taste in fine wine and tailored Italian suits. He 'controls' and distributes a 'treasure chest of millions' like only other power figure in Washington, DC. And virtually no one outside of the Beltline ever heard of him- or her:. He, and Ginny Thomas, wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, are said to be now, two of the most powerful people in Washington. Ginny Thomas was among the top five donors of the Tea Party Movement, donating her own money, but raising millions from 'silent conservatives' who did not want their names publicly tied to the Tea Party.
Leo is not modest now: "I am days away from achieving the goal of my decades of conservative work: A long-lasting Catholic conservative supermajority on our US Supreme Court, 'Justice John Roberts, being my prize justice appointee.". He told the Daily Beast Monday - "There is no question that Amy Barrett a devout conservative evangelical conservative will be appointed this next week No question," and he laughed heartedly. 'Result of years of working towards a solid, long-time conservative Supreme Court., Of the six Catholic justices, only Sotomayor is the one non conservative Catholic. Amy Barrett has never hidden her respect and approval of the current conservative court.
SHELDON WHITEHOUSE, US Democratic Senator from Rhode Island Tuesday, 'outing Leonard Leo' and his management and distribution, of 'DARK MONEY", almost 100 million from less than 10 of the wealthiest men in America (who remain largely anonymous) thanks to the Supreme Court making Citizens United - having the same donor rights as an individual. It is known that Charles Koch, personally wrote them a check for $10 million., another 20 million came from a PO Box 'shell corporation' that Leonard totally controls the 20 million dollar money flow!
The law allows 'these 'INVISIBLE REPUBLICAN 'STRING PULLERS' to remain in the shadows, totally unaccountable. One of them wrote the single 17 million check - given to Leo, to 'use to get Judge Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Leonard Leo is an expert at 'manipulating campaign finance laws to funnel almost a half billion dollars to conservative political projects: This group is solely responsible for telling Donald Trump who he should nominate to all the highest cabinet posts...many who later had to resign in disgrace.
Leonard Leo, executive vice president of the Federalist Society, a conservative legal group, is stepped aside from his daily duties at the organization to launch a consulting firm that will fund conservative causes. The new firm, called CRC Advisors, is being billed as a “full-service conservative public affairs powerhouse.” Leonard Leo is singly responsible for steering a single check for $17 million dollars to support and 'influence' certain Republican senators to approve Bret Kavanugh
Senator Whitehouse showed how just 4 men, and 1 woman: Carrie Severino, below.....-Just 5 individuals.....
.Control all 11 'patriotic-sounding' Dark Money conservative groups, who 'appear' to be totally unconnected but work together under Leonard Leo's direction, all working to achieve 3 major Republic conservative goals: (1.) Get Roe VS Wade rescinded...(2.) Get the ACA/Obamacare cancelled. and (3.) ..Get the Oberfell case (same sex marriage), rescinded. With appointment of Judge Amy Barrett, these groups,....all headed directly or indirectly by this one man, Leonard Leo - they believe that within 18 months - at most - the Roberts Court will rescind all three laws.Thanks only to Sheldon Whitehouse, this past Tuesday, how in 30 minutes in the US Senate hearing on Amy Barrett.... he 'exposed' these anarchists (and that is what they are)...A small-invisible, Power Group of the wealthiest men in America..will 'essentially control the US Courts - and thus - the country.
Also, Jane Mayer, in her book two years ago, made the same case, only she did not have 'the stage' and national audience that Sheldon Whitehouse had: the entire nation - for 30 minutes on Tuesday.
Here are a few of the'patrotic-sounding' organizations names: 'The Federalist Society' The Judical Crisis Newwork', 'The Bradley Foundation'. These eleven conservative power groups have delivered 80 conservate Supreme Court verdicts (under the Justice Roberts court) ...80 cases...without even ONE LOSS! All 80 favored by conservative causes led by these 11 groups.
SENATOR SHELDON WHITEHOUSE: Google his 28 minute 'expose' in the US Senate Tuesday.
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