Thursday, December 24, 2020

                                           Christmas Eve Reflections - 9AM 2020

    December 24, 2020: Christmas Eve morning, 9AM.

         Christmas music is playing, traditional Christmas music, Bing Crosby, “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas’, ...‘The Little Drummer Boy’….Felice Navidad (Jose Feliciano with his son singing with him-great Christmas video), ...“Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas, or,.... ‘Oh come let us adore him’, memories of past Christmas’, even to this old, very  secular guy.                                                              ............Weather:  It is going to be cloudy, chilly, rainy, blustery Christmas Eve and Christmas morning….fitting in a way…the COVID Pandemic is still raging. It is a terrible time for the country, millions of people out of work, so many businesses having to close up, so many, forever..the end is not really in sight despite the delivery of the first effective vaccine, only a little over 1 million people vaccinated.  …Normalcy?.“You can’t go home again,’ a novel of a complex time in America in the 1920’s, some of the same theme that exists in “Look Homeward Angel’..’going back’…’trying’ to make things  'right', warm memories ’like they were 'yesterday'….rarely possible, except in some reflective ways……but life goes on. We can all work to do what we can to get 'on the other side of  COVID-19.

    TRADITION:.. Looking for normalcy.....One Raleigh tiny tradition of 30 years will be re-visited' by me, this AM, with Florita and I now back in Raleigh after being down on the NC coast for 20 years – I am going over to nawth' Raleigh, Winston’s Grille, Falls of Neuse, at 11AM to sit with Wil Oneal, ex son-in-law abd still best friend (life happens)…. as he leaves the door open to the restaurant, Christmas music playing, restaurant decorated for Christmas ‘up to the nines’ – the restaurant closed for dining, but open for his tradition of selling dining gift certificates (with the bar open, naturelment! )..It is both a convenient time for some folks to get a last-minute Christmas gift…a Winston’s Grille gift card …and even more..a time when long-time loyal customers come in to chat and laugh and renew acquaintances, (glass of wine or martini in hand). Wil Oneal does this from 10AM to 2PM, some guys, (a few gals) wives drop by for the traditional camaraderie…everyone wearing masks…Wil has a large open area around the large bar, decorated up!... pine boughs, large red ribbons, Christmas lights everywhere….T-top tables 8ft apart, hand sanitizer everywhere…..….’Stretching the envelope’ of course, but some modicum of normalcy has to remain in our lives….Football coaches, one or two players (reg customers) from the Hurricanes, some NC legislators,  just plain people mostly, like me, will drop in, Bill Cower, the retired, former coach of the Pittsburg Steelers has come in the past, mostly just good friends and many, many customer friends. It is a gala time…Then there’s Ron, insurance man.. (Republican, my good friend), Wil’s 25-year customer, my age, (‘Old Kin’), 80, He will ask ‘if I sent a card to, or did I call… to Donald Trump’…..Ron will retell his jokes to a standing crowd who has heard them over two decades +……..“I  don’t mind dying…I just don’t want to be gone that long.”….…or in an argument, (a closer!…) “If I agree with you -then, we’re both going to be wrong.” Or,  ‘What do you call a bear with no teeth? – A ‘gummy bear!” …..Flo will be talking to our four gals and the grandkids, now that all of us are in one town – Raleigh or its nearby environs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        So, this Christmas will come and go, like so many others, to become but a memory, hopefully a lovely one, happy one,,,,, but knowing full well, …what it is like for so many, many others….only hoping our leaders can regain their sanity and set the Good Ship America upright again.  Right now, all we can so is hope. Merry Christmas, amigos, Happy Hanukah, Felice Navidad

Ol’ Kin’......(alias Don Quixote de la Mancha, Knight errant of the sad countenance.

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