Mike Pence could ‘go rogue’ January 6 when Congress counts electoral votes, election experts warn
Just when you 'thought' the elections was over......?
"STOP THE COUNT!"... Freshman US Senator , (Alabama), Tommy Tuberville, former Auburn football coach - will make a dramatic motion to VP Mike Pence to 'review the illegal voting' that occurred in six states - requiring both houses to immediately go into a two session hour to deliberate 'the evidence'.. They will reconvene and then take a vote on 'whether... 'the evidence warrants voiding those states electoral vote.......which IF..upheld - would void the entire 2020 election. Trump has found a freshman stooge to try this one last ...'Hail Mary' to save his ***.

Americans institutions are collapsing under the Trump-Hate Administration...Trump has gone into a
Napolean-like retreat of Napoleon's 'scored-earth / destroy everything' retreat' as he withdrew form Russia - he burned every Russian village as the retreated back to France.
TRIUMP LOST!..... He lost by 7 MILLION VOTES...
a record loss in US presidential elections....But, after he was president for 4 years, over that period, Trump attacked every hallowed US Government institution from the US Dept. of Justice, the FBI, the CIA,.... He insulted, derided our entire 16 US Intelligence agencies, saying .. ...
"I've got President Putin's word'.....
I believe him')..Our intel people seethed.
He destroyed the EPA, giving polluters free reign again....neutered even the watchdog General Services Admin. Trump tried - and failed to remove healthcare for 29 million people who got their 'first ever' healthcare through the ACA (Obamacare) act.........Obama's popularity drove Trump crazy! - a black president loved in direct proportion to how much he was hated and despised.....Despised even by all Democratic world leaders
TRIUMP LOST!..... He lost by 7 MILLION VOTES.....a record loss in US presidential elections....But, after he was president for 4 years, over that period, Trump attacked every hallowed US Government institution from the US Dept. of Justice, the FBI, the CIA,.... He insulted, derided our entire 16 US Intelligence agencies, saying .."I've got President Putin's word'....I believe him')....He destroyed the EPA, even the watchdog General Services Administration. .......Trump tried - - and failed to remove healthcare for 29 million people who got their 'first ever' healthcare through the ACA (Obamacare) act.........Obama's popularity drove Trump crazy! - a black president loved in direct proportion to how much he was hated and despised.....Despised even by all Democratic world leaders.
("I won!")
How this 'can' play out: ....
There’s talk the Congress is supposed to sit in judgment...... 'of whether'.... states conducted their elections legally. If both a representative and a senator agree to object to a state’s election results, the Senate and the House of Representatives will adjourn to their separate chambers to debate the matter for up to two hours and then hold a vote on whether to reject a slate of electors. This scenario seems likely to happen, (Ol' Kin' is predicting IT WILL HAPPEN!)......after several Republican representatives have come forward saying they will challenge results, while Alabama Republican Senator-elect Tommy Tuberville has said he might join in, despite Sen. Mitch McConnell urging his caucus not to.
Mitch McConnel has let it be known: 'He does NOT want this scenario to happen....McConnell knows that the end result will be 'an even greater hatred' for 'the Republican 'label' in the short and long run.........But Trump knows the great majority of his Trumpsters are not the brightest lights of the campus..and tend to be easily 'excited' in his cause .....So anything that Trump sees 'might keep him alive - and in the White House a little longer- He is all for it! ..................He and Tuberville have talked twice aides say. They don't know the substance of the conversation, but it is unusual for a president to spend time talking to a freshman senator or house elect - who has absolutely 'no goverment experience'... ................Tuberville, openly stated many times that he 'believes God inspired Trump to run for president...That 'religious' appeal, plus being a winning football coach in the south, made him very popular with southern, rural voters.

'Trumpsters', the great majority, do not have college degrees, tend to be greatly less educated than the overall electorate, and tend to hold racists attitudes and despise 'The Elites'..(people with higher education and who also voted for a 'black man' for president - all an insult to their 'values'...AND...all a perfect demographic that Trump saw....early on in 2015, was fertile ground' for his not so subtle racist messages...his 'dog whistles' to under- ecuated....and It worked....Now, he believes he has 'ONE LAST GREAT SHOT!
This last-ditch 'HAIL MARY' attempt to overthrow the most secure election is US history - TRUMP and his clown-show WILL FAIL - AGAIN!!
Trump and Giuliani have lost 58 or 59 court-election challenges...Many Republican judges voting against the man who appointed them...(showing that there are a few intelligent, principle Republicans left).
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