Our Dangerous Tomorrows? White Supremacist, right wing militia groups 'gear up to defend themselves'.
SWEETWATER CREEK Hard Times Carteret County. All the news that is worth printing…a place of revelation and enlightenment. Local news, national news, international sometimes - Second largest newspaper in Carteret County.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Friday, October 30, 2020
Question? Who was behind the huge Rethugian losses?
- The White House - GONE!
- The US House - GONE!
- The US Senate - GONE!
- "If we don't win it will because the 'DEEP STATE' and Mike Bloomberg stole the election
"If Trump loses - We, The patriotic PROUD BOYS, Q-ANON, our brothers, The BOOGALOOS, we will deal with the Democrats who stole this election!....All of us......and.......
....our Republican friends below."
'TRUMPWILL STILL HAVE US!Tuesday, October 27, 2020
8 Million People have become Poverty Stricken ......... just since May
Trump: "These people need to go to work..."
Judge rejects Trump plan to end food stamps for 700,000 unemployed Americans
Trump's inhumane measure was first of three intended to restrict federal food safety net. Mark Meadows "We cannot just keep giving away money...."

Monday, October 26, 2020
REPUBLICANS SURRENDER TO COVID! Waving the white flag, the president said: Enough!
"We give up! There is no controlling Covid-19!".......... . ..so said Mark Meadows at noon Sunday.
Even Trump's White House staffers could be seen waving white flags of surrender.
......"We're tired of talking about the virus...Nothing we can actually do about it.....You see, it is like the FLU....nothing can be done,' said Mr. Trump. 'Mikie' Pence, dressed up in his role of 'Elf-on-the-Shelf....All he would say is that neither he, nor 'Mother' was worried."
NO White House LEADERSHIP NOW WHATSOEVER. . Trump said that 'Since we have turned the corner and it is going away - It is best now to do nothing but wait for a Magic Vaccine'"The Trump Republican Party RACIST to its CORE - IMO...
Miami Herald: BREAKING NEWS......
Florida Republicans SUPPRESS THE BLACK VOTE!

The Republican Party today is as RACIST and as DEVIOUS AS IT EVER HAS BBEN, to as far back as the Reconstruction Days, to the Alabama - Gov.. George Wallace days and Strom Thurman days of the 1960s.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
The Black Communities in America ...?
Their 'Equal Rights' under the GOP Trump-White Nationalist Administration ?
Since June 21, 1964, Philadelphia Mississippi....?
How Much Has Changed? Trump: Has he things better? Or worse?
:Ah'm jes' askin'......? Do you remember this 'event'?....June 21, 1964: Things changed much?
As the three left town in their car, they were followed by law enforcement and others. Before leaving Neshoba County, their car was pulled over. The three were abducted, driven to another location, and shot to death at close range. The three men's bodies were taken to an earthen dam where they were buried. IMO..Today, the Republican Party (White Nationalist Party) is a racist as ever.
The three men had traveled from Meridian to the community of Longdale to talk with congregation members at a black church that had been burned; the churches were center of community organizing. The trio was arrested following a traffic stop for speeding outside Philadelphia, Mississippi, escorted to the local jail, and held for a number of hours. As the three left town in their car, they were followed by law enforcement and others. Before leaving Neshoba County, their car was pulled over. The three were abducted, driven to another location, and shot to death at close range. The three men's bodies were taken to an earthen dam where they were buried.
Under Republican Trump? How much has the rights of all minorities been advanced under the Trump Republican White Nationalist Party.

Saturday, October 24, 2020
People Magazine headline:.....Today, October 24, 2020
NOT A GOOD DAY. for the Dumpster: Charges of his being 'racist baffoon'. He denied he is a racist baffoon to Fox News......... Hannity pressed him: "So, Mr. president, you are saying you are not a racist baffoon?" Trump replied a second time, that he was not.
WOW! Insider staff leak to the press late this afternoon on his way to Wisconsin ....In Trump's own words re:, the US Senate: "We look doomed. I just could not support some of those guys."
Trump increasingly makes note to his staff that he 'expects to lose the election'.....and that "Everybody hates me.'
He told major donors by phone this morning before flying to Lumberton, NC to attend one more of his right-red supporters that: "I think we are also going to lose the US. Senate majority.'
To make matters worse, his Chief personal legal counsel, Rudy Giuliani is also looking like a buffoon also: Caught on video,lying on his hotel bed with both hands down in his pants...and lying next to a female reporter. The video appeared in a new movie, starring Sacha Cohen....Giuliani was outraged, saying, 'All I was doing was tucking my shirt down into my pants." Asked why he was lying on hotel bed with a lady TV reporter. Giuliani walked away.
Yesterday: Rudy......"All I was doing was tucking in my shirt.... I wasn't doing anything else.".... Does it not appear.....The descriptor of 'Racist Buffoons', and or, 'buffons' now is being applied widely to Trump, his party and increasingly, his vote supporters?
Why does Trump see Rudy as an 'asset'?
Embarrassing 'new news'?
Kushner best friend arrested by FBI on cyberstalking charges,.....BY CELINE CASTRONUOVO - 10/23/20 02:33 PM EDT
Friday, October 23, 2020
I AM A STABLE GENIUS! Don't forget - I am a Republican! I said, to General Kelly that: Viet Nam Veterans 'are losers'.....
'They were suckers'.'
I asked this question: "What was in it for them?" Hey, and guess what? They are still going to vote for me!"
"I can grab a woman by her p****y.....! And you know what? They let me do it. Why? Because I am a celebrity!" Because I am Donald Trump.'
"What was in it for them - losers!"
Thursday, October 22, 2020
OBAMA RIDES AGAIN! The Black Shane is coming back to town!
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
"We have too much to lose!...she said ....if we re-elect Donald Trump!"
She had just lost her husband to COVID-19. Her three children had just lost their father. He had no major health problems before. getting the virus He had be put on a ventilator. He never recovered.
The young mother of three said this to Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC Tuesday night. She is infuriated with Donald Trump and his flippant indifference to pain he is causing the surviving family members of all of those who have died from COVID-19: Remember: "It is, what it is."
Trump says catching COVID-19 was........... ..............a 'blessing from God'...!
Hmmmm? Not all see Trump that way? Some, like Ol' Ken here, sees him a the genuine VILLAGE IDIOT. I wonder what Dr. Fauci's opinion of Trump-Genus' is?

"Something so jarring about reading the cadences of normal newspaper copy about the WH adviser, Scott Hayes, who has a plan to kill 2 million Americans...." Chris Hayes....
Below: Trump's newest GOP Witch Doctor, Scott Atlas (with ZERO medical knowledge of viruses) explaining his 'Herd Immunity' theory of the benefits of 300 million Americans all getting COVID-19 at the time. 'Brilliant!" said president Trump.
"Yep. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but, you cannot fool ALL of the people all of the time..."..(November 3, 2020) That day will prove Mark Twain's famous quote about stupid people.
EXPOSED: The Greatest Fools in US History: The 'Trumpsters', Trumpster Voter-Supporters - The Novemb...